We are a friendly group of people from all walks of life, a wide range of ages, male and female, whose common interest is the "love of roses." We welcome you to join the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society, or simply subscribe to "Rose Ecstasy."
MEMBERSHIP DUES: $20 per calendar year, per household. Your membership includes 9 issues of our award-winning newsletter "Rose Ecstasy" (8-1/2" x 11" with at least 16 full-color pages, loaded with full-color photos every issue). Our monthly meetings feature guest speakers on rose-related topics. We have a spring garden tour and a fall rose show. If you simply want to subscribe to our terrific newsletter, that's okay too.
MEETINGS: As of March 2023 our new meeting place is at the Santa Clarita United Methodist Church in Saugus, California on the corner of Bouquet Canyon Road and Espuella Drive. Usual meeting time is at 2:30 PM on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Some dates and times might be changed. Please see our CALENDAR.
$20 Includes 9 Issues, Emailed in Full-Color
The full-color newsletter will be e-mailed 9 times during the calendar year (January through November).
If joining after June 1, you may deduct 50% off above price as a trial subscription for the balance of the year.
Make check payable to SCVRS, then print, fill out, and mail the form below to:
SCV Rose Society
21133 Kingscrest Drive
Santa Clarita, CA 91350-1934
Include self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like a 10% discount card good all year at Green Thumb Nursery in Newhall, CA.
PRIVACY POLICY: Your information will never be released to entities other than the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society and the American Rose Society, and will only be used for rose society communication such as newsletters, membership renewal, event and meeting notices, and rose info. 
Winner of many Awards from the
American Rose Society:
3 Gold Medals for Best Bulletin in USA
7 Silver Medals for Best Bulletin in USA
7 Bronze Medals for Best Bulletin in USA
4 Honorable for Best Bulletin in USA